
Comprehensive Programming and Rescheduling

The preparation and development of good programs lies at the heart of all well managed projects. we ensure that all our programs are detailed and comprehensive as well as being logic linked.

- Preparation of initial scheme feasibility programs.
- Management and monitoring of design teams.
- The reproduction of hand-drawn gann charts into fully logic linked critical path networks or presentation quality Gann Charts.
- Establishment of project milestones and the identification of their criticality relative to individual project events and tasks.

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Development Design & Procurement

The secret to an integrated program is to combine not just the construction works but also the design process and off-site procurement. The introduction of the supply chain to the programme ensures that by reviewing progress a full picture is obtained and action can be taken on all fronts to secure a timely completion to the project.

- Detailed interlinked programmes.
- Supply chain actions and milestones identified.
- Identification of off site manufacturing, testing and delivery.
- Ability to measure and integrate off-site production with construction requirements.